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São Paulo; s.n; 2024. 164 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537133


Introdução: A Internet está cada vez mais acessível e já é parte integrante da vida cotidiana das pessoas. Um dos grupos mais fortemente influenciados, tanto positiva quanto negativamente pelos efeitos do seu uso, são os adolescentes e adultos jovens e aí incluem-se, principalmente, os estudantes de ensino médio e universitário. O ingresso na universidade, junto às transformações fisiológicas, neurológicas e psicológicas próprios da transição entre a adolescência e a fase adulta, pode gerar um período de crise e favorecer o surgimento dos distúrbios mentais, incluindo o comportamento suicida. Objetivo: Investigar o papel da Internet na saúde mental de jovens universitários, com ênfase na ideação suicida. Metodologia: Estudo transversal, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa. A 1ª etapa foi realizada com 503 estudantes da área da saúde de uma universidade federal do estado de Alagoas. A coleta dos dados ocorreu de forma remota, através do envio de um formulário criado no Google Forms, dividido em 5 partes: (1) questionário semiestruturado contemplando as variáveis sociodemográficas e dados complementares; (2) Escala de Dependência de Internet; (3) Escala de Depressão do Centro de Estudos Epidemiológicos; (4) Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado; e (5) Questionário de Ideação Suicida. Para análise dos dados foi utilizado o software STATA versão 14. Onze estudantes participaram da 2ª etapa, a partir de critérios estabelecidos com bases nos escores da Escala de Dependência de Internet e do Questionário de Ideação Suicida. Como instrumento metodológico para a produção dos dados qualitativos foi utilizada a entrevista semiestruturada. As entrevistas aconteceram pela plataforma Google Meet e para a análise dos dados foi utilizada a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: Dos 503 participantes, 69,2% eram do sexo feminino, 43,5% se autodeclararam de raça/cor parda, 88,5% eram solteiros e 66,2% tinham idade entre 20 e 24 anos. 98,8% deles possuíam smartphone, 73,2% faziam a conexão à Internet por meio de rede wi-fi e rede móvel e 99,2% possuíam rede wi-fi na residência. 42,3% foram classificados como grau leve, 8,2% como grau moderado e 0,4% como grau grave de dependência em relação ao uso de Internet. A prevalência de ideação suicida foi de 12,5%. Dependência de Internet, sintomas depressivos, ansiedade traço e estado estiveram associados à presença de ideação suicida (p<0,001). No modelo de regressão logística, dependência leve, moderada ou grave de Internet e nível de ansiedade (traço) alto (OR=4,02; IC95%=2,17-7,46) se mantiveram associadas à ideação suicida, independente das demais variáveis (OR=2,00; IC95%=1,02-3,93). A análise do material obtido a partir das transcrições das entrevistas originou três categorias temáticas: (1) O uso da Internet e suas implicações na saúde mental dos universitários; (2) A ideação suicida em estudantes com sinais de dependência de Internet; (3) Contexto de vida como potencial facilitador para a ideação suicida entre os estudantes com sinais de dependência de Internet. Conclusão: Os resultados apresentados reforçam ainda mais a preocupação sobre o papel da Internet na saúde mental dos jovens universitários. O comportamento suicida é um fenômeno multidimensional e multicausal e pode estar sendo potencializado pelos efeitos do uso descontrolado e desadaptativo da Internet. Os achados desta pesquisa constituem um diagnóstico situacional que poderá fornecer importantes subsídios para a elaboração de propostas de assistência psicológica e acompanhamento psicopedagógico, como parte de um programa de atenção à saúde mental dos estudantes universitários.

Introduction: The Internet is becoming increasingly accessible and is already an integral part of people's everyday lives. One of the groups most strongly influenced, both positively and negatively, by the effects of its use, are teenagers and young adults, including mainly high school and college students. The transition to university, alongside physiological, neurological, and psychological transformations typical of the transition from adolescence to adulthood, can generate a period of crisis and favor the emergence of mental disorders, including suicidal behavior. Objective: To investigate the role of the Internet in the mental health of young university students, with an emphasis on suicidal ideation. Methodology: Cross-sectional study with a quantitative-qualitative approach. The first stage was conducted with 503 health area students from a federal university in the state of Alagoas. Data collection took place remotely through the submission of a form created on Google Forms, divided into 5 parts: (1) semi-structured questionnaire covering sociodemographic variables and complementary data; (2) Internet Dependency Scale; (3) Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; (4) State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; and (5) Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire. STATA version 14 software was used for data analysis. Eleven students participated in the second stage, based on criteria established using scores from the Internet Dependency Scale and the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire. A semi-structured interview was used as a methodological tool for the production of qualitative data. Interviews took place via the Google Meet platform, and Content Analysis technique was used for data analysis. Results: Of the 503 participants, 69.2% were female, 43.5% self-identified as brown race/color, 88.5% were single, and 66.2% were aged between 20 and 24 years. 98.8% of them owned smartphones, 73.2% connected to the Internet through wi-fi and mobile networks, and 99.2% had wi-fi at home. 42.3% were classified as mild, 8.2% as moderate, and 0.4% as severe in terms of Internet dependence. The prevalence of suicidal ideation was 12.5%. Internet dependency, depressive symptoms, trait and state anxiety were associated with the presence of suicidal ideation (p <0.001). In the logistic regression model, mild, moderate, or severe Internet dependency and high state anxiety level (OR=4.02; 95% CI=2.17-7.46) remained associated with suicidal ideation, independent of other variables (OR=2.00; 95% CI=1.02-3.93). The analysis of the material obtained from the interview transcriptions generated three thematic categories: (1) The use of the Internet and its implications on the mental health of university students; (2) Suicidal ideation in students with signs of Internet dependency; (3) Life context as a potential facilitator for suicidal ideation among students with signs of Internet dependency. Conclusion: The results presented further reinforce concerns about the role of the Internet in the mental health of young university students. Suicidal behavior is a multidimensional and multicausal phenomenon and may be exacerbated by the effects of uncontrolled and maladaptive Internet use. The findings of this research constitute a situational diagnosis that may provide important inputs for the development of proposals for psychological assistance and psychopedagogical support, as part of a program for the mental health care of university students.

Humans , Male , Female , Students , Internet , Suicidal Ideation , Internet Addiction Disorder , Anxiety , Depression
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3980, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1515333


Objetivo: identificar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la ideación suicida pasiva y activa a lo largo de la vida en estudiantes ingresantes de posgrado. Método: estudio analítico y de diseño transversal, con una muestra compuesta por 321 estudiantes ingresantes de posgrado. Se realizó análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial múltiple. Resultados: los análisis multivariados indican que la ideación suicida pasiva y activa tuvieron una prevalencia mayor y similar en los estudiantes de orientación sexual minoritaria, del sexo femenino, que realizaban actividad física diaria ≤ 30 minutos/día y sufrieron victimización por violencia psicológica en los últimos 12 meses. Los factores abuso de alcohol, las exigencias del posgrado stricto sensu no afectaron las relaciones familiares y baja autoestima se asociaron solo con la ideación suicida pasiva. A su vez, el consumo de marihuana en los últimos 30 días, no tener una buena relación interpersonal con sus pares académicos, ejercer la actividad profesional junto con las exigencias del posgrado se asociaron únicamente con ideación suicida activa. Conclusión: se identificó una alta prevalencia de ideación suicida pasiva y activa a lo largo de la vida en los estudiantes ingresantes de posgrado y se comprobó que hubo similitudes y diferencias entre algunos de los factores asociados a ambos resultados.

Objective: to identify the prevalence and factors associated with passive and active suicidal ideation throughout life among students entering graduate courses. Method: an analytical and cross-sectional study with a sample comprised of 321 students entering graduate courses. Multiple descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed. Results: the multivariate analyses indicated that passive and active suicidal ideation were similarly more prevalent among female students belonging to minority sexual orientations who engaged in daily physical activity ≤ 30 minutes/day and were victims of psychological violence in the past 12 months. Alcohol abuse, family relationships not impaired due to the demands imposed by stricto sensu graduate studies and low self-esteem were only associated with passive suicidal ideation. In turn, recent marijuana use in the last 30 days, poor interpersonal relationships with academic peers, and engagement in professional activities concomitantly with the demands imposed by graduate studies were only associated with active suicidal ideation. Conclusion: high prevalence of lifetime passive and active suicidal ideation was identified among graduate students, and similarities and differences were verified between some associated factors for both outcomes.

Objetivo: identificar a prevalência e fatores associados à ideação suicida passiva e ativa ao longo da vida em estudantes ingressantes na pós-graduação. Método: estudo analítico e de delineamento transversal, amostra composta por 321 estudantes ingressantes da pós-graduação. Realizou-se análise estatística descritiva e inferencial múltipla. Resultados: análises multivariadas apontaram que ideação suicida passiva e ativa foram similarmente mais prevalentes entre estudantes de orientações sexuais minoritárias, do sexo feminino, que realizavam atividade física diária ≤ 30 minutos/dia e sofreram vitimização por violência psicológica nos últimos 12 meses. O abuso de álcool, o não prejuízo no relacionamento familiar por demandas da pós-graduação stricto sensu e a baixa autoestima foram associadas unicamente com ideação suicida passiva. Por sua vez, o consumo de maconha ocorrido nos últimos 30 dias, a falta de um relacionamento interpessoal satisfatório com seus pares acadêmicos e a prática da atividade profissional em concomitância com as demandas da pósgraduação foram associadas apenas com ideação suicida ativa. Conclusão: identificou-se alta prevalência de ideação suicida passiva e ativa ao longo da vida entre estudantes ingressantes na pós-graduação e verificou-se a ocorrência de similitudes e diferenças entre alguns fatores associados para ambos os desfechos.

Humans , Male , Female , Students , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Alcoholism , Suicidal Ideation
Curitiba; s.n; 20231204. 122 p. tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1551192


Resumo: A ideação e comportamentos suicidas são considerados um problema de saúde pública. Mulheres privadas de liberdade podem apresentar maior vulnerabilidade para esses comportamentos, considerando as condições no ambiente prisional, a perda de vínculos familiares e os históricos de comorbidades mentais e físicas. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo transversal, com o objetivo geral de analisar a ideação e os comportamentos suicidas em mulheres privadas de liberdade em uma unidade prisional do Estado do Paraná. A amostra foi por conveniência e constituída de 30 mulheres privadas de liberdade. Os dados foram coletados de maio a agosto de 2022 com aplicação do instrumento Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale e de um instrumento elaborado pelos autores. Os resultados foram apresentados de maneira descritiva e inferencial. Da amostra de 30 mulheres, 15 (50,0%) eram da faixa etária de 30 a 49 anos; 15 (50,0%) declararam-se pardas; 18 (60,0%) eram solteiras; 17 (56,7%) estavam desempregadas antes da prisão; 14 (46,7%) apresentavam condição de saúde mental; 21 (70,0%) eram tabagistas; 22 (73,3%) faziam uso de álcool; e 17 (56,7%) fizeram uso de SPA. O motivo da privação de liberdade foi homicídio para 15 (50,0%) participantes. Da amostra, 20 (66,7%) foram vítimas de violência física alguma vez na vida; 17 (56,7%) de violência psicológica; e 14 (46,7%), de violência sexual. Quanto à ideação, 16 (53,3%) mulheres já haviam desejado estar mortas; 19 (63,3%) haviam tido pensamentos suicidas ativos não específicos; 15 (50,0%) haviam tido ideação suicida ativa com algum método (sem plano) sem intenção de agir; 15 (50%) haviam tido ideação suicida ativa com alguma intenção de agir; e 14 (46,7%) havia tido ideação suicida ativa com plano específico e intenção. Durante a privação de liberdade, 12 (40%) apresentaram pensamentos suicidas. Empreenderam comportamentos suicidas durante a vida 16 (53,3%) mulheres; 14 (46,7%) tiveram tentativa efetiva; 6 (20,0%), comportamento autolesivo sem intenção suicida; 8 (26,7%) tiveram tentativa interrompida; 7 (23,3%) tiveram tentativa abortada; 10 (33,3%) realizaram atos ou comportamentos preparatórios; 4 (13,3%) empreenderam tentativas de suicídio durante a privação de liberdade, das quais 3 (10,0%) empreenderam pela primeira vez durante a privação de liberdade. Na análise inferencial, as principais variáveis associadas à ideação e aos comportamentos suicidas foram: ideação suicida antes da privação de liberdade, ideação suicida durante a privação de liberdade, tratamento para condição de saúde mental, vítima de violência sexual, tentativa de suicídio e ideação suicida ativa com algum método (sem plano) sem intenção de agir. Considerando os resultados desta pesquisa e o que é previsto pela equipe de enfermagem no sistema prisional, conclui-se pela importância de avaliar a ideação e os comportamentos suicidas em mulheres privadas de liberdade desde a admissão, na permanência da privação, bem como nos aspectos relacionados à ocorrência de tais comportamentos visando à oferta de cuidados de enfermagem na prevenção, no evento e na reabilitação.

Abstract: Suicidal ideation and behaviors are considered a public health problem. Women deprived of their liberty may be more vulnerable to these behaviors, considering the conditions in the prison environment, the loss of family ties and histories of mental and physical comorbidities. This is a cross-sectional quantitative study with the general objective of analyzing suicidal ideation and behaviors in women deprived of their liberty in a prison unit located in the State of Paraná. A convenience sample was used, and it was made up of 30 women deprived of their liberty. Data were collected from May to August 2022 using the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale instrument and another instrument developed by the authors. The results were presented in a descriptive and inferential manner. Of the sample made up of 30 women, 15 (50.0%) were aged between 30 and 49; 15 (50.0%) self-declared as mixed race; 18 (60.0%) were single; 17 (56.7%) were unemployed before the arrest; 14 (46.7%) experienced mental health disorder; 21 (70.0%) were smokers; 22 (73.3%) were alcohol users; and 17 (56.7%) had used some PAS. The deprivation of liberty was caused by homicide for 15 (50.0%) participants. Of the sample, 20 (66.7%) were victims of physical violence at some point in their lives; 17 (56.7%) were victims of psychological violence; and 14 (46.7%) of sexual violence. As for suicidal ideation, 16 (53.3%) women had already wished they were dead; 19 (63.3%) had already had non-specific active suicidal thoughts; 15 (50.0%) had already had active suicidal ideation with a method (not plan) without intent to act; 15 (50%) had already had active suicidal ideation with some intent to act; and 14 (46.7%) had already had active suicidal ideation with a specific plan and intent. During their period of deprivation of liberty, 12 (40%) had suicidal thoughts. 16 (53.3%) women engaged in suicidal behavior during their lifetime; 14 (46.7%) made an actual attempt; 6 (20.0%) had self-injurious behavior without suicidal intent; 8 (26.7%) reported an interrupted attempt; 7 (23.3%) reported an aborted attempt; 10 (33.3%) had made preparations or showed suicidal behavior; 4 (13.3%) made suicide attempts during their period of deprivation of liberty, of which 3 (10.0%) attempted suicide for the first time during their period of deprivation of liberty. In the inferential analysis, the main variables associated with suicidal ideation and behaviors were the following: suicidal ideation before being deprived of their liberty, suicidal ideation during their period of deprivation of liberty, treatment for a mental health disorder, victim of sexual violence, attempted suicide, and active suicidal ideation with a method (not plan) without intent to act. Considering the results of this research and the expectations of the nursing team in the prison system, it can be concluded that it is important to evaluate suicidal ideation and behaviors among women deprived of liberty from the moment they are admitted, during the period in which they are deprived of their liberty as well as the aspects related to the occurrence of such behaviors, aiming to offer nursing care during the prevention process, the episode itself and the rehabilitation process.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Prisons , Suicide , Women , Mental Health , Depression , Suicidal Ideation
Rev. polis psique ; 13(1): 33-54, 2023-08-07. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1517543


A pandemia da Covid-19 afetou, drasticamente, o campo social. O público adolescente, por apresentar um caráter específico do desenvolvimento, também é atravessado na pandemia. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar e descrever quais as demandas de atenção psicossocial que emergiram nos acolhimentos em um CAPSi de um município do interior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul na pandemia no período da adolescência. O método utilizado foi o modelo quali-quantitativo, de caráter descritivo e exploratório. Os resultados das demandas psicossociais que mais apareceram foram: comportamento suicida, ansiedade, heteroagressividade, autoagressividade, conflitos familiares e dificuldades de aprendizagem. Através do estudo pode-se perceber os atravessamentos que a pandemia da Covid-19 reverberou no público adolescente acolhido neste CAPSi, e o que essas demandas mostram sobre as questões de saúde mental no cenário pandêmico. (AU)

The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically affected the social field. Adolescents, as they present a specific character of development, are also affected by the pandemic. The objective of this research was to identify and to describe the psychosocial care demands that emerged in the receptions at a CAPSi, a Child and Youth Psychosocial Care Center, in a municipality in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the pandemic, during the adolescence period. The method used was the qualitative-quantitative model, with a descriptive and exploratory character. The results of the psychosocial demands that appeared the most were: suicidal behavior, anxiety, heteroaggression, self-aggression, family conflicts and learning difficulties. Through the study, it is possible to perceive the crossings that the Covid-19 pandemic reverberated in the adolescent public hosted in this CAPSi, and what these demands show about mental health issues in the pandemic scenario. (AU)

La pandemia del Covid-19 afectó, drásticamente, al campo social. El público adolescente, por presentar un carácter específico del desarrollo, también se ve afectado en la pandemia. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar y describir cuales las demandas de atención psicosocial que surgieron en las acogidas en un CAPSi de un municipio del interior del estado de Rio Grande do Sul en la pandemia en el periodo de la adolescencia. El método utilizado fue el modelo cuali-cuantitativo, de carácter descriptivo y exploratorio. Los resultados de las demandas psicosociales que más aparecieron fueron: comportamiento suicida, ansiedad, heteroagresividad,auto agresividad,conflictos familiares y dificuldates de aprendizaje. A través del estudio se puede percibir los atravesamientos que la pandemia del Covid-19 reverberó en el público adolescente acogido en este CAPSi, y lo que esas demandas muestran sobre las cuestiones de salud mental en el escenario pandémico. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , COVID-19/psychology , Mental Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Anxiety/epidemiology , Aggression/psychology , Family Conflict/psychology , Suicidal Ideation , COVID-19/epidemiology , Learning Disabilities/epidemiology
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 14: 1-6, mar. 20, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1425692


Objetivo: Investigar as Razões para Viver e os riscos da ideação suicida para os graduandos da Universidade de Pernambuco. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa com caráter descritivo realizada nas instituições do Campus Santo Amaro com 359 acadêmicos. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de dois instrumentos autoaplicáveis: um questionário sociodemográfico e a Escala de Razões para Viver. Os dados foram digitalizados em planilhas eletrônicas, o tratamento estatístico foi realizado no programa Excel. Resultados: Constatou-se que 46,52% dos acadêmicos possuem risco médio para a ideação suicida, ressalta-se ainda que um percentual de 3,62% dos estudantes teve risco elevado para o pensamento suicida. Conclusão: Tais achados constituem tanto como um diagnóstico situacional, para que as instituições de ensino superior promovam programas e estratégias voltados para a prevenção da ideação suicida e a redução de fatores de risco, tal como para que os docentes atuantes, dentro do campus ou os que assistem os estudantes fora dele, tenham conhecimento da importância de medidas que visem identificar e minimizar tal situação, melhorando assim o ambiente acadêmico. (AU)

Objective: To investigate the meaning of suicidal ideation for undergraduate at the University of Pernambuco. Methods: This is a quantitative research with descriptive character carried out in the institutions of the Campus Santo Amaro with 359 academics. Data collection was performed through two self-applied instruments: a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Scale of reasons to live. The data were scanned in spreadsheets, the statistical treatment was performed in the Excel program. Results: It was found that 46.52% of the students had a moderate risk for suicidal ideation. It was also noted a percentage of 3.62% of the students risk for suicidal thoughts. Conclusion: These findings constitute both a situational diagnosis, so that higher education institutions promote programs and strategies aimed at the prevention of suicidal ideation and the reduction of risk factors, such as for active teachers, on campus or which assist students outside of it, are aware of the importance of measures aimed at identifying and minimizing such situation, thus improving the academic environment. (AU)

Objetivo: Investigar el significado de laideación suicida para los graduandos de laUniversidad de Pernambuco. Métodos: Se trata de una investigacióncuantitativacon carácter descriptivo realizada enlasinstitucionesdel Campus Santo Amaro con 359 académicos. La recolección de datosfue realizada a través de dos instrumentos autoaplicables: uncuestionario sociodemográfico y la Escala De Razones para Vivir. Los datosfueron digitalizados enhojas de cálculo, eltratamiento estadístico fue realizado enel programa Excel. Resultados: Se constató que el 46,52% de los académicos poseenriesgopromedio para laideación suicida, se resaltaaún que unporcentajedel 3,62% de losestudiantestuvieronunriesgo elevado para elpensamiento suicida. Conclusión: Tales hallazgosconstituyen tanto como un diagnóstico situacional, para que lasinstituciones de enseñanza superior promuevan programas y estrategias dirigidos a laprevención de laideación suicida y lareducción de factores de riesgo, tal como para que los docentes actuantes, dentro del campus o que asisten a losestudiantesfuera de él, tenganconocimiento de laimportancia de medidas que apunte a identificar y minimizar tal situación, mejorandoasíel ambiente académico. (AU)

Nursing , Students , Mental Health , Suicidal Ideation
Rev. cient. cienc. salud ; 5(1): 1-7, 26-01-2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1425182


Introducción.El suicidio es un problema clave de salud pública. La situación de privación de libertad es un riesgo aumentado para el suicidio. Hay un aumento de la prevalencia de depresión dentro de las prisiones y su identificación y tratamiento disminuye el riesgo. Objetivo. Determinar el riesgo de suicidio y depresión en mujeres privadas de libertad en una correccional. Metodología.Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal de una muestra por conveniencia de mujeres de una correccional de mujeres en Paraguay. Se utilizó un cuestionario socio-demográfico, la Escala de Suicidio de Plutchik, y el Inventario de Depresión de Beck,previa firma de consentimiento informado que explicó los objetivos del estudio y la participación voluntaria y anónima. Se analizó los datos conel paquete estadístico SPSS versión 15.0. Resultados.Participaron del estudio 108 mujeres entre 20 a 70 años de edad (media: 38 ± 12), 25,9% (n=28) alcanzó escolaridad secundaria completa u universitaria (12%). El 76,8% tenía entre 1 a 5 años de privación de libertad. El 38 % (41) del grupo tenía depresión; 36,1% (n=39) presentó riesgo suicida, 25,9% (n=28) riesgo leve, 7,4% (n=8) riesgo moderado y 2,8% (n=3) riesgo grave. Se encontró asociación altamente significativa entre la presencia de depresión y riesgo suicida (OR: 4,89 IC95% 2,1-11,4). El porcentaje de riesgo suicida fue mayor al de la población general y a cifras arrojadas por otros estudios similares en centros penitenciarios en américa latina. Palabras clave: riesgo; suicida; mujeres; privación; libertad.

Introduction.Suicide is a key public health problem. The situation of deprivation of liberty is an increased risk for suicide. There is an increased prevalence of depression within prisons and its identification and treatment decreases the risk. Objective. To determine the risk of suicide and depression in women deprived of liberty in a correctional facility. Methodology. Descriptive cross-sectional study of a convenience sample of women from a women's correctional facility in Paraguay. A socio-demographic questionnaire, the Plutchik Suicide Scale, and the Beck Depression Inventory were used, after signing an informed consent that explained the objectives of the study and voluntary and anonymous participation. The data was analyzed withthe statistical package SPSS version 15.0. Results.A total of 108 women between 20 and 70 years of age (mean: 38 ± 12) participated in the study, 25.9% (n=28) completed secondary or university education (12%). 76.8% had between 1 and 5 years of deprivation of liberty. 38% (41) of the group had depression; 36.1% (n=39) presented suicidal risk, 25.9% (n=28) mild risk, 7.4% (n=8) moderate risk, and 2.8% (n=3) severe risk. A highly significant association was found between the presence of depression and suicidal risk (OR: 4.89 CI95% 2.1-11.4). The percentage of suicidal risk was higher than that of the general population and figures reported by other similar studies in penitentiary centers in Latin America.Key words:risk; suicide; women; deprivation; liberty.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Women , Suicidal Ideation , Social Deprivation , Risk , Freedom
Rev. baiana enferm ; 37: e47289, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1449465


Objetivo: identificar o estado depressivo e ideação entre idosos em Instituições de Longa Permanência dos municípios da região do Seridó/RN, Brasil. Método: estudo transversal e descritivo, desenvolvido entre os meses de agosto a novembro de 2020, nas Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos. Resultados: a amostra final foi composta por 45 idosos, predominando idosos do sexo feminino, com idade maior ou igual a 80 anos, solteiros, não alfabetizados, brancos, aposentados e com tempo de institucionalização maior do que 1 ano. Observou-se um maior quantitativo do sexo feminino, 64,4% com idade maior ou igual a 80 anos. Quanto ao estado depressivo, visto que houve significância e as variáveis "grau de depressão" e "ideação suicida" com p-valor < 0,1 (p-valor = 0,07). Considerações finais: observa-se uma considerável ocorrência de graus de depressão e ideação suicida na população estudada.

Objetivo: identificar el estado depresivo y la ideación entre las personas mayores residentes en los Establecimientos de Larga Estadía de los municipios de la región de Seridó/RN, Brasil. Método: estudio transversal y descriptivo, desarrollado entre los meses de agosto y noviembre de 2020, en los Establecimientos de Larga Estadía para Adultos Mayores. Resultados: la muestra final fue compuesta por 45 adultos mayores, predominantemente del sexo femenino, con edad igual o superior a 80 años, solteros, analfabetos, blancos, jubilados y con tiempo de institucionalización superior a 1 año. Se observó un mayor número de mujeres, 64,4%, con 80 años o más. En cuanto al estado depresivo, hubo significación y las variables "grado de depresión" e "ideación suicida" con p-valor < 0,1 (p-valor = 0,07). Consideraciones finales: se observa una considerable ocurrencia de grados de depresión e ideación suicida en la población estudiada.

Objective: to identify the depressive state and ideation among older adults in Long-Stay Institutions in the cities of the Seridó/RN region, Brazil. Method: cross-sectional and descriptive study, developed between the months of August and November 2020, in the Long Stay Institutions for Older Adults. Results: the final sample was composed of 45 older adults, predominantly females, aged 80 years old or more, single, non-literate, white, retired and with a time of institutionalization longer than 1 year. We observed a higher number of females, 64.4%, aged 80 years or older. As for the depressive state, there was significance and the variables "degree of depression" and "suicidal ideation" with p-value < 0.1 (p-value = 0.07). Final considerations: a considerable occurrence of degrees of depression and suicidal ideation is observed in the population studied

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Depression/diagnosis , Suicidal Ideation , Homes for the Aged/trends , Cross-Sectional Studies
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253652, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448950


Martin Heidegger, em sua ontologia, destaca uma característica específica da atualidade que atravessa o comportamento humano, na filosofia, na ciência ou no senso comum: o esquecimento do ser. O filósofo diferencia a época atual das demais épocas históricas. O horizonte histórico contemporâneo se desvela por meio do desafio e da exploração, da tentativa de controle e domínio dos acontecimentos, ao modo da disponibilidade e em função da produtividade. O filósofo esclarece que todo esse desenraizamento do homem atual está atrelado ao esquecimento daquilo que é o mais essencial, qual seja, a existência. A questão que norteia este estudo é apurar, por meio das referências de Heidegger e dos estudos sobre suicídio, o quanto a interpretação da morte voluntária nos dias atuais está atravessada por tal esquecimento. Pretendemos investigar o quanto as ações de prevenção desenvolvidas pela suicidologia se encontram atravessadas por tal esquecimento do ser do homem e, dessa forma, acabam por estabelecer relações entre ser e ente em uma consequente redução ao ente como invariante e atemporal. O caminho para investigar a questão iniciará por abordar, em maiores detalhes, a analítica existencial, a questão da técnica e o movimento de esquecimento do ser apontados por Heidegger a fim de problematizar as perspectivas científicas atuais sobre o suicídio em sua prevenção para, então, estabelecer uma compreensão fenomenológica e existencial sobre o referido fenômeno.(AU)

Martin Heidegger, in his ontology, highlights a specific characteristic of the present moment that crosses human behavior, in philosophy, science, or common sense: the forgetfulness of being. The philosopher differentiates the current age from other historical ages. The contemporary historical horizon is unveiled by the challenge and the exploration, from the attempt to control and dominate events, to the mode of standing reserve and in terms of productivity. The philosopher clarifies that all this uprooting of the current man is linked to the forgetfulness of what is the most essential, namely, the existence itself. The question that guides this study is to investigate, via Heidegger's references and studies on suicide, to what extent the interpretation of voluntary death today is crossed by such forgetfulness. We intend to investigate to what extent the prevention actions developed by suicidology are crossed by such forgetfulness of the human's being and, in this way, they end up establishing relationships between being and entity in a consequent reduction to entity as an invariant and timeless. The path to investigate the issue will start by addressing, in greater detail, the existential analytics, the question concerning technique and the movement of forgetting the being pointed out by Heidegger to problematize the current scientific perspectives on suicide and its prevention to, then, propose a phenomenological and existential understanding about the referred phenomenon.(AU)

Martin Heidegger en su ontología destaca una característica específica del presente que atraviesa el comportamiento humano, ya sea en la filosofía, la ciencia o el sentido común: el olvido del ser. El filósofo diferencia la época actual de otras épocas históricas. El horizonte histórico contemporáneo se devela el desafío y la exploración, el intento de controlar y dominar los eventos, en la modalidad de disponibilidad y en términos de productividad. Y así aclara que todo este desarraigo del hombre actual está involucrado en el olvido de lo más esencial, que es la existencia misma. A partir de las referencias a Heidegger y de los estudios sobre el suicidio, este estudio busca saber hasta qué punto la interpretación de la muerte voluntaria hoy está atravesada por este olvido. Pretendemos investigar en qué medida las acciones de prevención desarrolladas por la suicidología se encuentran atravesadas por el olvido del ser del hombre y, de esta manera, terminan por establecer relaciones entre el ser y el ente, en una consecuente reducción al ente como invariante y atemporal. Para investigar el tema se abordará inicialmente, con mayor detalle, la analítica existencial, la cuestión de la técnica y el movimiento del olvido del ser señalado por Heidegger para problematizar las perspectivas científicas actuales sobre el suicidio y su prevención y, luego, proponer una comprensión fenomenológica y existencial sobre el referido fenómeno.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Suicide , Disease Prevention , Suicide Prevention , Anxiety , Pain , Personality , Psychiatry , Psychological Phenomena , Psychology , Psychopathology , Psychotic Disorders , Schizophrenia , Social Problems , Stress, Psychological , Suicide, Attempted , Therapeutics , Behavior , Behavioral Sciences , Neurosciences , Humans , Power, Psychological , Family , Catatonia , Mental Health , Causality , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Self-Injurious Behavior , Panic Disorder , Suicide, Assisted , Cognition , Combat Disorders , Conflict, Psychological , Conscience , Meditation , Life , Substance-Related Disorders , Crisis Intervention , Affective Symptoms , Death , Depression , Drive , Alcoholism , Existentialism , Mental Fatigue , Theory of Mind , Suicidal Ideation , Apathy , Pandemics , Gene Ontology , Behavior Observation Techniques , Moral Status , Freedom , Sadness , Emotional Regulation , Psychological Distress , Suicide, Completed , Genetics, Behavioral , Interpersonal Relations , Life Change Events , Life Style , Loneliness , Mental Disorders , Morals , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Neurotic Disorders , Obsessive Behavior , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 40: e210035, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440108


Objective Evaluate the effectiveness of mobile applications developed for intervention in suicide risk in adults. Method Searches for articles were carried out in four databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and PsychINFO). For the meta-analyses, we used fixed effect modelling to assess the primary outcome. The PROSPERO register is CRD42020163876. Results After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, six studies remained in the systematic review, of which four were eligible to the meta-analysis. There was no difference, or a little tendency in favor of control condition (usual treatment) comparing with applications. Conclusion Applications can be as effective as standard treatments in reducing suicide ideation. The results should be interpreted with caution once all studies presented at least one bias in their study design.

Objetivo Avaliar a eficácia dos aplicativos desenvolvidos para intervenção no risco de suicídio em adultos. Método As buscas por artigos foram realizadas em quatro bancos de dados (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus e PsychINFO). Para a meta-análise, utilizamos modelagem de efeito fixo para avaliar o desfecho primário. O registro no PROSPERO é CRD42020163876. Resultados Após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, seis estudos permaneceram na revisão sistemática, dos quais quatro foram elegíveis para a meta-análise. Não houve diferença, ou uma pequena tendência a favor da condição de controle (tratamento usual) em comparação com aplicativos. Conclusão Os aplicativos parecem ser tão eficazes quanto os tratamentos padrões na redução de ideação suicida. Os resultados devem ser interpretados com cautela, pois todos os estudos apresentaram viés em seu desenho.

Suicide , Telemedicine , Suicidal Ideation , Smartphone , 60452
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 36: 32, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529280


Abstract Objective The study investigated the effects of a short video app guided loving-kindness meditation (LKM) on college students' mindfulness, self-compassion, positive psychological capital, and suicide ideation. The purpose of the study is to investigate the intervention effect of LKM training on suicidal ideation among college students with the help of the short video application and to provide an empirical basis for the exploration of early suicide intervention strategies for college students. Methods We recruited 80 college students from a university in China. The final 74 eligible participants were divided into two groups: app use group (n = 37) and the control group (n = 37). The app group accepted an 8-week app use interference, while the control group underwent no interference. We measured four major variable factors (mindfulness, self-compassion, positive psychological capital, and suicide ideation) before and after the app use intervention. Results In the app group, self-compassion and positive psychological capital were significantly higher, and suicide ideation was significantly lower than the control group. In the control group, there were no noticeable differences in any of the four variables between the pre-test and post-test. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate that the short video app guided LKM may help to improve self-compassion, and positive psychological capital, and reduce suicide ideation. The finding of the short video app-guided LKM's effect extends our understanding of the integrative effects of positive psychology and digital media on the reduction of suicide ideation.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Students , Meditation/methods , Suicidal Ideation , Mindfulness , Self-Compassion , Universities , Internet-Based Intervention , Psychology, Positive , Suicide Prevention/methods
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255629, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529219


Sobreviventes ao suicídio são pessoas que têm suas vidas profundamente afetadas e apresentam sofrimento psicológico, físico ou social após serem expostas a esse fato. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a experiência de sobreviventes ao suicídio de jovens, a partir do luto. Participaram sete sobreviventes entre familiares, amigos e parceiros amorosos de jovens que cometeram suicídio. A análise de conteúdo de entrevistas narrativas apontou que os participantes utilizam explicações racionalizadas ou dissociadas, criando uma distância entre o evento e eles mesmos. Como formas de lidar com o sofrimento podem buscar o isolamento, apoio entre amigos, prática religiosa e/ou a dedicação ao trabalho. Reafirma-se a dimensão do luto diante dessa experiência, além da importância da prevenção ao suicídio e da posvenção aos sobreviventes.(AU)

Suicide survivors are people who have their lives deeply affected; they experience psychological, physical, and social suffering following the occurrence. The aim of this study is to analyze the experience of survivors of youth suicide attempts, based on grief. Seven survivors participated among family, friends, and romantic partners of young people who committed suicide. The content analysis of narrative interviews showed that the participants use rationalized or dissociated explanations, creating a distance between the event and themselves. As ways to deal with suffering, they seek isolation, support among friends, religious practice, and/or dedication to work. The dimension of grief in the face of this experience is reaffirmed, as well as the importance of suicide prevention and postvention for survivors.(AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar la construcción metodológica desarrollada en una investigación de maestría, en la que sostenemos la escritura de escenas como método de investigación de la escucha clínica. Las escenas del trabajo en cuestión se recogieron a lo largo del tiempo desde la experiencia en un proyecto de extensión universitario de atención a la niñez y adolescencia en situación de vulnerabilidad social aplicado en una comunidad periférica. En este texto, presentamos los interrogantes que se elaboraron en torno a la elección por el trabajo con escenas y compartimos el rescate histórico de las mismas como un método de escribir la clínica y la reanudación del análisis a partir de la tradición psicoanalítica. Amparadas en el psicoanálisis y en lecturas y contribuciones del filósofo francés Jacques Derrida, nos basaremos en la noción de que la escena se constituye como un lugar de producción, engendrando la configuración particular de elementos significantes en los procesos de subjetivación y de construcción social. La escena no es aquí una representación de lo que pasa en la clínica, sino un modo de producir escucha y sus procesos de investigación.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Suicide , Bereavement , Adolescent , Survivors , Anxiety , Personal Satisfaction , Professional-Family Relations , Professional-Patient Relations , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Psychotropic Drugs , Religion , Self Care , Self Concept , Self Mutilation , Social Isolation , Social Support , Societies , Stress, Psychological , Suicide, Attempted , Therapeutics , Violence , Women , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Humans , Child , Mental Health , Child Health , Self-Injurious Behavior , Intergenerational Relations , Suicide, Assisted , Crime Victims , Adolescent Health , Death , Trust , Qualitative Research , Vulnerable Populations , Aggression , Depression , Developing Countries , Empathy , User Embracement , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Mental Fatigue , Wandering Behavior , Bullying , Suicidal Ideation , Apathy , Forgiveness , Hope , Protective Factors , Help-Seeking Behavior , Psychological Trauma , Physical Abuse , Burnout, Psychological , Frustration , Emotional Regulation , Social Integration , Suicide, Completed , Internet Addiction Disorder , Emotional Abuse , Social Interaction , Family Support , Psychological Well-Being , Suicide Prevention , Guilt , Health Promotion , Interpersonal Relations , Life Cycle Stages , Loneliness , Antidepressive Agents , Negativism , Antisocial Personality Disorder
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 952023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1515289


Introducción: La evidencia plantea que el trastorno del espectro autista puede asociarse con un aumento, en el pensamiento, del deseo de querer morir; ante esta situación se hace necesario investigar los factores de riesgo que afectan a menores con esta condición. Objetivo: Explorar en la literatura de qué forma las interacciones sociales y el bullying son factores de riesgo en la conducta suicida en niños y adolescentes con trastorno del espectro autista. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda que incluyó las principales bases de datos y de gestores de la información (PubMed, SciELO, WoS, Google académico, Scopus, Dialnet), entre marzo y agosto de 2021. Se utilizaron términos como suicidal behavior; trastorno del espectro autista; intimidación; nteracción social. Análisis y síntesis de la información: Se entregan argumentos de cómo el bullying representa un factor de riesgo para la conducta suicida, también de cómo los intercambios comunicativos se encuentran afectados en los menores con trastornos del espectro autista y esto puede aumentar el riesgo suicida. Se describe la escasa literatura vinculada a la evaluación de la conducta suicida en los menores con estos trastornos y de la necesidad de continuar investigando en esta temática. Conclusión: Los niños y adolescentes con necesidades educativas especiales, entre los que se encuentran los niños con trastornos del espectro autista, están expuestos a un mayor número de factores de riesgo para la aparición de conducta suicida. Estos elementos deben considerarse a la hora de programar y planificar protocolos de prevención del suicidio en el contexto sanitario y educativo(AU)

Introduction: Evidence suggests that autism spectrum disorder may be associated with an increase, in thinking of the wish to die; given this situation, it is necessary to investigate the risk factors that affect children with this condition. Objective: To explore in the literature how social interactions and bullying are risk factors for suicidal behavior in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Methods: A search including the main databases and information managers (PubMed, SciELO, WoS, Google Scholar, Scopus, Dialnet) was carried out between March and August 2021. Terms such as suicidal behavior; autism spectrum disorder; bullying; social interaction were used. Analysis and synthesis of information: Arguments are given on how bullying represents a risk factor for suicidal behavior, also on how communicative exchanges are affected in children with autism spectrum disorders and this may increase suicidal risk. It is described the scarce literature related to the evaluation of suicidal behavior in children with these disorders and the need for further research on this topic. Conclusion: Children and adolescents with special educational needs, including children with autism spectrum disorders, are exposed to a greater number of risk factors for the development of suicidal behavior. These elements should be considered when programming and planning suicide prevention protocols in the health and educational context(AU)

Humans , PubMed , Bullying , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Suicidal Ideation
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine ; : 17-17, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971207


BACKGROUND@#There has been minimal research on the role of benevolent childhood experiences (BCEs) and how such events may offer protection from the insidious effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or later in life.@*OBJECTIVES@#This research aims to learn how BCEs and ACEs interact to affect adolescents' psychological distress.@*METHODS@#Cross-sectional survey was conducted in three cities (Xuzhou, Nanjing, and Wuhan) in China from March 2021 to May 2021. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to classify the patterns of ACEs and BCEs. We adopted hierarchical multivariable regression to examine the influences of ACEs and BCEs on depression and suicidal ideation.@*RESULTS@#To explore the relationship between childhood experience and suicidal ideation and depression, LCA revealed three patterns of ACEs: (1) emotional abuse (10.57%); (2) high ACEs (0.55%); and (3) low ACEs classes (88.88%). Adolescents with emotional abuse (depression: OR = 3.82, 95%CI = 2.80-5.22, P < 0.001; suicidal ideation: OR = 5.766, 95%CI = 3.97-8.38, P < 0.001) and high ACEs class (suicidal ideation: OR = 5.93, 95%CI = 1.19-29.66, P < 0.05) had an increased risk of psychological distress (reference: low ACEs). LCA revealed four patterns of BCEs: (1) relationship support (14.54%); (2) low BCEs (4.85%); (3) high BCEs (55.34%); and (4) high quality of life classes (25.28%). Adolescents with a high quality of life (depression: OR = 0.09, 95%CI = 0.05-0.16, P < 0.001; suicidal ideation: OR = 0.22, 95%CI = 0.12-0.40, P < 0.001) and high BCEs (depression: OR = 0.05, 95%CI = 0.03-0.09, P < 0.001; suicidal ideation: OR = 0.15, 95%CI = 0.09-0.26, P < 0.001) protected the mental health of adolescents (reference: low BCEs).@*CONCLUSIONS@#High ACEs and emotional abuse classes were significantly associated with poorer mental health symptoms, including suicidal ideation and depression. In contrast, high BCEs and high quality of life classes were associated with better mental health. These findings point out that it is more necessary to identify and support victims of ACEs, and it is urgent to increase BCEs in early childhood.

Adolescent , Humans , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression , East Asian People , Latent Class Analysis , Quality of Life , Suicidal Ideation , Adverse Childhood Experiences
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry ; : 33-41, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006494


Objectives@#In the light of increased suicide risk among adolescents, this research aimed at determining the prevalence and severity of suicidal ideations and behaviors of senior high school students in a public secondary school in Metro Manila using the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS).@*Methodology@#This is a descriptive cross-sectional school-based study, conducted on 236 senior high school students, 18 years old and above, in San Juan National High School (SJNHS) in San Juan, Metro Manila. The study employed convenience sampling. Upon selection, the C-SSRS was administered. Data on four constructs of suicide were gathered: 1) suicidal ideation severity; 2) intensity, which was quantified in terms of frequency, duration, control, deterrents and reasons for suicidal ideation; 3) suicidal behavior rated on a nominal subscale as actual, aborted, interrupted, preparatory behavior and non-suicidal injurious behavior; and lastly 4) lethality of actual suicide attempts on a 6-point ordinal scale, and if actual lethality was zero, potential lethality was further rated on a 3-point ordinal scale.@*Results@#The majority (67.8%) had mild suicidal ideations; 37.71% had active suicidal ideations with intent but not necessarily a specific plan and only 13.98% had active suicidal ideation with intent to act and a specific plan. The intensity of suicidal ideation was not that frequent in 35.59% of the respondents i.e.18.64% 1x/ week and 16.95% less than 1x/ week. About a third (30.07%) had very short duration of suicidal ideations i.e. fleetingly (19.92%) or less than an hour/ day (11.02%). A third (32.62%) were able to easily control (18.64%) or control with minimal difficulty (13.98%). Reason for suicidal ideation were either to get attention (10.59%) or to end the emotional pain (11.02%). A third (30.93%) had actual attempts (15.25%) and Non -Suicidal Self Injury (NSSI) (15.68%); while another 35.06 % had interrupted (16.53%) or aborted (19.07%) attempts. Those who had actual attempts, 41.67% had no physical injury while 50 % incurred minor injuries. Thirty- two (88.89%) had suicidal attempt that was likely to result in injury but not likely to cause death.@*Conclusion@#In light of these relatively high prevalence rates for suicidal ideation and behaviors, schoolwide intervention on education or awareness programs, gatekeeper training, peer leadership, skills training and screening or assessment may have to be instituted to curb the increased suicide risk of the senior high school students and further prevent suicide attempts.

Prevalence , Suicidal Ideation
Rev Enferm UFPI ; 11(1): e2731, 2022-12-31. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1519650


Objetivo: Mapear as evidências científicas sobre os fatores associados ao comportamento suicida de estudantes da pós-graduação stricto sensu. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo sistematizada pelas diretrizes do Joanna Briggs Institutee realizada nos repositórios SCOPUS, LILACS, PubMed/Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, PsycInfo, OATD e BDTD-CAPES. Foram selecionados e analisados materiais bibliográficos que apresentaram fatores associados ao comportamento suicida para estudantes da pós-graduação stricto sensu. Resultados: Sete materiais bibliográficos atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade desta revisão. A maioria abordou fatores de risco para comportamentos suicidas, com ênfase insuficiente em fatores protetivos. Conclusão: Foram identificados como fatores associados ao comportamento suicida na pós-graduação variáveis de saúde, psicológicas, sociodemográficas, relacionais e do contexto acadêmico. Essa revisão destaca a incipiência da produção científica nesse campo de saber e a necessidade de se dar maior ênfase e visibilidade a essa problemática. Descritores: Suicídio. Ideação suicida. Fatores de risco. Associação. Educação de pós-graduação.

Objective: To map the diverse scientific evidence about the factors associated with suicidal behavior in strictosensugraduate students. Methods: This is a scoping review systematized according to the Joanna Briggs Instituteguidelines and conducted in the SCOPUS, LILACS, PubMed/Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, PsycInfo, OATD and BDTD-CAPES repositories. The bibliographic materials selected and analyzed were those that presented factors associated with suicidal behavior for strictosensugraduate students. Results: Seven bibliographic materials met the eligibility criteria of this review. Most of them addressed risk factors for suicidal behaviors, with insufficient emphasis on protective factors. Conclusion: Variables related to health, as well as psychological, sociodemographic, relational and of the academic context, were identified as factors associated with suicidal behavior in the academic context. This review highlights the incipience of the scientific production in theknowledge field and the need to confer greater emphasis and visibility to this problem. Descriptors: Suicide. Suicidal ideation. Risk factors. Association. Education, Graduate.

Association , Suicide , Risk Factors , Education, Graduate , Suicidal Ideation
Barbarói ; (62): 8-27, jul.-dez. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1418605


O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar os correlatos sociodemográficos da ideação suicida em uma amostra de paraibanos. O estudo contou com 215 participantes, com média de idade de 24,16 anos (DP= 8,02). A coleta foi realizada por meio de um questionário online divulgado nas redes sociais. Foram dispostas cinco questões relativas à ideação suicida, com respostas tipo Likert, além de um questionário sociodemográfico. Verificou-se que as pessoas que não trabalham, que não possuem filhos e que são solteiras apresentaram maior média de ideação suicida. Além disto, a ideação suicida aumentou para as pessoas de menor idade, menos anos de estudo e menor compromisso religioso. Estes resultados foram estatisticamente significativos (p < 0,05). Salienta-se que essa pesquisa não possui uma amostra representativa, mas pode guiar estudos mais robustos para investigar diferenças de ideação suicida entre grupos sociodemográficos.(AU)

The presente study aimed to verify the sociodemographic correlates of suicidal ideation in a sample of paraibanos. The study involved 215 participants, with a mean age of 24-16 years (SD = 8,02). The collection was carried through an online questionnaire disseminated on social networks. Five questions were asked regarding suicidal ideation, with Likert-type answers, in addition to a sociodemographic questionnaire. It was found that people who do not work, who do not have children and who are single had a higher mean of suicidal ideation. In addition, suicidal ideation has increased for younger people, with less years of study and less religious commitment. These results were statistically significant (p ≤ 0,05). It should be noted that this research does not have a representative sample, but it can guide more robust studies to investigate differences in suicidal ideation between sociodemographic groups.(AU)

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar los correlatos sociodemográficos de la ideación suicidio en una muestra de paraibanos. El estudio contó 215 participantes, con una edad media de 24,16 años (DE = 8,02). La recogida se llevó a cabo a través de un cuestionario en línea disponible en un enlace y difundido em las redes sociales. Se hicieron cinco preguntas sobre la ideación suicida, con respuestas tipo Likert, además de un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Se encontró que las personas que no trabajan, que no tienen hijos y que son solteros tuvieron un promedio más alto de ideación suicida. Además, la ideación suicida ha aumentado para las personas de menor edad, menos años de estudio y menos compromiso religioso. Estos resultados fueron estatiscamente significante (p ≤ 0,05). Cabe destacar que esta investigación no tiene una muestra representativa, pero puede orientar estudios más robustos para investigar diferencias en la ideación suicida entre grupos sociodemográficos.(AU)

Humans , Adult , Suicidal Ideation , Sociodemographic Factors , Mental Health
Barbarói ; (62): 28-48, jul.-dez. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1418607


O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a ideação suicida e fatores associados entre os universitários das diferentes universidades e faculdades do Brasil, em tempos de pandemia da COVID-19. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, transversal e correlacional. Participaram 1303 estudantes universitários, 916 mulheres e 372 homens. Foram utilizados um questionário de dados sociodemográfico, variáveis psicossociais, hábitos de vida e de saúde mental, e a Escala de Apoio Social de MOS. A pesquisa foi divulgada por meio de redes sociais e e-mail das universidades e faculdades do Brasil. A prevalência de ideação suicida nessa amostra foi de 33,8%, sendo que para 67,06%, o pensamento suicida se potencializou na pandemia. No modelo final de regressão binária, as variáveis "ter sofrido uma perda significativa recentemente", "automedicar-se", "ter tido alguma internação psiquiátrica", "ter conhecimento de alguém que tenha ideação suicida", "não ter hábitos de prática esportiva", menor idade e menor rede de apoio foram significativas para presença de ideação suicida. Uso de substância psicoativa esteve associado à ideação suicida, ainda que não tenha se mantido no modelo. Os resultados sugerem necessidade de ações de prevenção e promoção de saúde mental no ambiente universitário, além de intervenções nesse campo.(AU)

The aim of this study was to investigate suicidal ideation and associated factors among university students from different universities and colleges in Brazil, during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a cross-sectional and correlational study. 1303 university students participated, 916 women and 372 men. A questionnaire of sociodemographic data, psychosocial variables, lifestyle and mental health, and the MOS Social Support Scale were used. The invitation for the research was disseminated through social media and e-mail. The prevalence of suicidal ideation in this sample was 33.8%, and for 67.06% of them, suicidal thinking was increased in the pandemic. In the final binary regression model, the variables "having suffered a significant loss recently", "self-medicating", "having had some psychiatric hospitalization", "having knowledge of someone who has suicidal ideation", "not having sports habits", younger age and lower support network were significant for the presence of suicidal ideation. Psychoactive substance use is associated with suicidal ideation, although it has not remained in the model. The results suggest the need for preventive actions and mental health promotion in the university environment, in addition to interventions in this field.

El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la ideación suicida y factores asociados entre estudiantes universitarios de diferentes universidades y facultades de Brasil, en tiempos de la pandemia de COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo transversal y correlacional. Participaron 1303 estudiantes universitarios, 916 mujeres y 372 hombres. Se utilizó un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos, variables psicosociales, estilo de vida y salud mental, y la Escala de Apoyo Social MOS. La investigación se difundió a través de las redes sociales y el correo electrónico de universidades y colegios de Brasil. La prevalencia de ideación suicida en esta muestra fue del 33,8%, y para el 67,06%, el pensamiento suicida se potenció en la pandemia. En el modelo de regresión binaria final, las variables "haber sufrido una pérdida significativa recientemente", "automedicarse", "haber tenido alguna hospitalización psiquiátrica", "tener conocimiento de alguien que tiene ideación suicida", "no tener hábitos deportivos", la edad más joven y la menor red de apoyo fueron significativas para la presencia de ideación suicida. El consumo de sustancias psicoactivas se asocia a la ideación suicida, aunque no se ha mantenido en el modelo. Los resultados sugieren la necesidad de acciones preventivas y de promoción de la salud mental en el ámbito universitario, además de intervenciones en este campo.(Au)

Humans , Students/psychology , Student Health , Suicidal Ideation , COVID-19/psychology , Sociodemographic Factors
Rev. psiquiatr. Urug ; 86(2): 55-61, dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1412357


Se realiza una revisión de estudios de resonancia magnética integral y funcional, así como estudios bioquímicos en pacientes con y sin ideas suicidas. Estos estudios en pacientes con alto riesgo de suicidio presentan una disminución de volúmenes corticales en la corteza prefrontal dorso y ventrolateral. Lo importante de estos estudios es que resultan de la comparación con pacientes deprimidos con bajo riesgo de suicidio. Los estudios de resonancia magnética funcional mostraron una hipofuncionalidad del lóbulo prefrontal en los pacientes depresivos con ideas suicidas severas, que se observa como una disminución del flujo sanguíneo cerebral en las áreas lateral y ventral. Se observa una disminución del metabolismo de serotonina, en clara relación con la severidad de las ideas de muerte, también con un foco en la región lateroventral prefrontal. Dado que las funciones de la corteza prefrontal afirman al individuo en su perspectiva vital, disfunciones como las descritas debilitan la coordinación y organización del apego a la vida, quedando, por el contrario, la posibilidad de la búsqueda de la muerte. Se concluye que los pacientes depresivos con ideas suicidas tienen una alta vulnerabilidad para el intento de suicidio por la afectación de las zonas prefrontales.

A review of functional integral magnetic resonance and biochemical data from patients with and without suicidal ideation is presented. Patients with high suicidal risk show a decrease in cortical volume in ventrolateral and dorsal prefrontal cortex. These studies are compared to those of depressed patients with low suicidal risk. Functional magnetic resonance in depressed patients with severe suicidal ideation show an hypo functional prefrontal lobe, seen as a decrease in blood flow in lateral and ventral areas. There is a decrease in serotonin metabolism, clearly related to the severity of suicidal ideation, also in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. As prefrontal cortex functions enhance vital perspectives, such dysfunctions weaken coordination and organization of attachment to life, making search for death a possibility. Authors conclude that depressed patients with suicidal ideation have a high vulnerability for suicidal intent due to changes in prefrontal areas.

Humans , Suicide, Attempted , Prefrontal Cortex/physiopathology , Neurotransmitter Agents/metabolism , Depression/physiopathology , Suicidal Ideation , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Prefrontal Cortex/metabolism , Prefrontal Cortex/diagnostic imaging , Depression/metabolism
Rev. med. Chile ; 150(8): 1036-1045, ago. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431872


BACKGROUND: Suicidal behavior is a public health problem, and adolescents are one of the main risk groups. Aim: To analyze the association among suicidal behavior, consumption of psychoactive substances, and Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in adolescents attending schools in Valparaiso, Chile. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Five hundred-fifty adolescents enrolled in a public school participated in the study. HRQoL was evaluated through KIDSCREEN-27, while suicidal behavior and the consumption of psychoactive substances were measured with the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS). RESULTS: The prevalence of suicidal behavior was higher in women and in those who used tobacco or marijuana in the last month. Respondents with a bad perception of physical well-being reported a higher frequency of suicidal ideation than those with a good perception (Odds ratio (OR): 2.24; 95% confidence: 1.49-3.36). Likewise the frequency of suicidal ideation was higher in those with a bad perception of psychological well-being (OR: 3.87; 95%CI: 2.09-7.71), and a bad perception of autonomy and relation with parents (OR:2.46; 95%CI: 1.34-4.54). Suicide planning was also associated with dimensions of autonomy and relation with parents (OR: 2.32; 95% CI: 1.23-4.38) and dimensions of friends and social support (OR: 1.86; 95%CI:1.05-3.28). Suicide attempt was associated with the dimensions of friendship and social support (OR: 1.83; 95%CI: 1.02-3.28) and school environment (OR: 1,92; 95%CI: 1,23-3,01). Conclusions: Suicide ideation is associated with worse physical and psychological well-being. Suicide planning and suicide attempt is associated with a worse perception about the relation with parents or friends, social support, and school environment.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Suicidal Ideation , Quality of Life , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Risk Factors
Medwave ; 22(6): e002567, jul.-2022.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381410


Introducción El suicidio es la segunda causa de muerte prematura en personas entre 15 y 29 años, y la tercera en jóvenes entre 15 y 19 años. La adolescencia es un periodo crítico, dado que existe mayor vulnerabilidad para conductas suicidas. La situación en América Latina es crítica, siendo Chile uno de los dos países donde las tasas de suicidio de niños y adolescentes aumentan año tras año. En este estudio se analizan factores de riesgo clínicos, psicológicos y sociofamiliares asociados con la conducta suicida, en una muestra clínica de adolescentes atendidos en el sistema de salud público de la región del Maule. Método El diseño del presente estudio es transversal. En él se utilizó una muestra de 388 adolescentes de 10 a 21 años ingresados al sistema de salud de la Región del Maule. Durante la recogida de información se aplicaron cinco instrumentos de medición (escalas de impulsividad de Barrat, de dificultades de regulación emocional, de depresión, ansiedad y estrés, cuestionario general de búsqueda de ayuda para problemas de salud mental en adolescentes y escala de clasificación de gravedad del suicidio de Columbia). Además se recabó información sociofamiliar y antecedentes relevantes desde las fichas clínicas. Resultados El análisis realizado permitió identificar características distintivas de la conducta suicida adolescente, mediante la descripción de factores clínicos, psicológicos y sociofamiliares evaluados. Conclusión Los adolescentes con historial de intentos de suicidio se caracterizan por presentar ideación suicida, sintomatología ansiosa- depresiva, estrés, insomnio e impulsividad. Asimismo, reportan no tener creencias religiosas, pertenecer a minorías sexuales y haber sido víctima de acoso y/o abuso sexual.

Introduction Suicide is the second leading cause of premature death in people between 15 and 29 years old and the third in young people between 15 and 19 years old. Adolescence is a critical period concerning mental health disorders since there is greater vulnerability to suicidal behaviors. The situation in Latin America is worrying, with Chile being one of the two countries where suicide rates of children and adolescents increase yearly. This study aims to analyze clinical, psychological, family, and social risk factors associated with suicidal behavior in a clinical sample of adolescents treated in the public health system of the Maule region. Methods The study design is cross- sectional. We used a sample of 388 adolescents between 10 and 21 years old admitted to the health system of the Maule Region. The participants were evaluated by applying five measuring instruments (The Barrat Impulsivity Scale, The Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale, The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, The General Help-Seeking Questionnaire for mental health problems in adolescents, and The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale) in addition to collecting social and family information and relevant clinical history from the medical records. Results The analysis allowed us to identify distinctive characteristics of adolescent suicidal behavior by describing clinical, psychological, and family social factors. Conclusions Adolescents with a history of suicide attempts are characterized by having suicidal ideation, anxious-depressive symptoms, stress, insomnia, and impulsiveness. Likewise, they report being non-religious, belonging to sexual minorities, and victims of sexual harassment and/or abuse.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Adolescent Behavior , Mental Disorders , Suicide, Attempted , Risk Factors , Suicidal Ideation